Bankless Consulting
EARLY - The Business of web3 from Bankless Consulting
Episode0: Introducing Early - A podcast from Bankless Consulting

Episode0: Introducing Early - A podcast from Bankless Consulting

Welcome to Early - the podcast about business in web3, from Bankless Consulting. Hosted by DSide, one of the seven founders of Bankless Consulting, the world's first web3-native consulting firm. On each episode of Early, DSide is joined by thought leaders, innovators and other denizens of web3 who are building the internet of the future. Money is programmable. Assets are digital and exchanges are decentralized here. So join us on this journey into the past, the present and the future of web3!

This is Episode0 of Early. DSide tells the history of Bankless Consulting and the origins of the podcast. Future episodes will feature guests from all aspects of web3 - business, finance, tokenomics, governance, NFTs, user experience and more. We're here because we expect web3 to change the world right under the feet of most people, without most of them noticing. We're working with the builders to turn their dreams into reality and improve the lives of everyday people. 

Listen to this brief rant from DSide to learn more about what's to come in future episodes of Early. Thanks for joining us and remember, if you're're Early!

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Bankless Consulting
EARLY - The Business of web3 from Bankless Consulting
Welcome to EARLY - the business of web3 from Bankless Consulting. On each episode of EARLY, your host DSide is joined by thought leaders, innovators and other denizens of web3 who are building the internet of the future. Money is programmable. Assets are digital and exchanges are decentralized here. So join us on this journey into the past, the present and the future of web3! And remember, if you're're EARLY!